Publication from Cedefop Cedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: BelgiumCedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: Belgium, 2019, 35p.
Publication from Cedefop Cedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: BelgiumCedefop public opinion survey on vocational education and training in Europe: Belgium, 2019, 35p.
The different Belgian Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET)The different Belgian Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET)programmes are widely diverse and have their own respective history. Intendedat the outset to train and integrate the children of craftsmen, workers and farmersin society, these programmes had their heyday in a society of economic growthand industrial development. Following their major economic changes of the 20thcentury, with the increase of the population and the appearance ofunemployment, they gradually lost their aura and became courses, which didprovide training to integrate into the world of work young people who oftenstemmed from underprivileged background, with compounded difficulties, forwhom the authorities have not always managed to find an appropriate response.
With the exception of certain types of training provided at the higher level,these programmes have had a less attractive image than general education,which is still held as the natural and best path, and suffer from the dominorelegation effects that afflict a large number of students involved in it. The currentIVET programmes are accordingly trying to find a new identity and place insociety. It therefore seems crucial to delve deeper into the matter ofrepresentation and image of those programmes in order to understand themechanisms that are at stake.
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