PédaGobox: optimised activities for hybrid training

Since June 2024, Bruxelles Formation, the public vocational training service for adults in the Brussels region, has been making its PédaGobox, a toolbox for innovation and the expansion of training practices, available to French-speaking vocational training stakeholders.

Faced with successive lockdowns during the pandemic, Bruxelles Formation’s training centres had to adapt their training practices to remote learning conditions in order to continue performing their public service mission. The PédaGobox capitalises on these good practices and encourages training teams to be creative by deepening their thinking on hybridisation and educational multimodality.

In 2022, Bruxelles Formation’s educational support department worked in close collaboration with trainers and trainees at its centres to develop the PédaGobox in five steps:

  • review of the scientific literature on hybridisation; 
  • development and adoption of a common glossary;
  • feedback from trainers and trainees;
  • organisation of sharing and reflection days with all training centre staff to fine-tune their needs
  • creation of educational help sheets.

41 practical and concise help sheets 
The PédaGobox is structured around three key areas covering all aspects of a hybrid, multimodal training system: preparing activities, delivering them, and managing them.
Each of the 41 help sheets currently available follows the same pattern, dealing with a specific theme, practice or modality designed to make virtual learning sessions engaging and to boost face-to-face interactions. Each help sheet: 

  • presents the topic as an educational challenge;
  • introduces specific modalities;
  • offers tips, tricks and examples;
  • includes useful links and contacts. 

Resources for trainers include, for example: ‘How do I teach a technical skill face-to-face or remotely?’ and ‘How can I make my own educational videos?’

Promoting the PédaGobox
To ensure that as many people as possible can benefit from this tool, a dissemination plan was set up, targeting Bruxelles Formation’s direct partners and training operators in the French-speaking part of Belgium. Some highlights on the agenda include:

  • the Estivales, summer workshops organised by FormaForm, Belgium’s continuing education centre for French-speaking trainers. The project also took part in the Forma d’Or 2024 competition;
  • the Inspiralia fair (21 November 2024), the annual event dedicated to vocational training practices;
  • the Bruxelles Formation partners’ day (November 2024).

A constantly evolving reference tool
Bruxelles Formation plans to improve the help sheets by updating them regularly to keep them relevant, and by developing new thematic ones. Training centre instructors are therefore invited to put forward ideas or express their needs in terms of training resources with the following objectives: encouraging training innovation and multimodality among trainers and promoting emulation and opening up the field of training possibilities.
With this original resource, Bruxelles Formation has confirmed its position as a leading player in the development of innovative teaching tools for vocational training. This directly contributes to several strategic objectives in Bruxelles Formation’s 2023-2027 Management Contract.

Read this publication on Cedefop’s website 

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