The ‘shop-school’ S.Kool has been hosting its second edition since the end of October. 10 new apprentice salespeople hope to launch their career through an innovative arrangement combining theoretical training and practical application in a Brussels concept store. The ‘shop-school’ S.Kool has been hosting its second edition since the end of October. 10 new apprentice salespeople hope to launch their career through an innovative arrangement combining theoretical training and practical application in a Brussels concept store.
Blended training leading to a contract
Initiated in the spring of 2019, S.Kool allows young Brussels jobseekers to train for sales careers in the field. For three months, each morning the 10 candidates are trained in sales techniques, communication and the Dutch language, provided by Bruxelles Formation. In the afternoon, they train to be salespeople under the watchful eye of an experienced manager in a concept store created especially for the occasion. At the end of this period, the partner shops commit to giving these young people an employment contract of an equivalent duration.
An innovative public-private partnership
The originality of the project lies in the remarkable collaboration between Brussels public bodies and private organisations. Bruxelles Formation has developed customised training that mirrors as closely as possible the realities of the field and employer needs, while Actiris handles candidate selection. As for the private sector, a property developer has made a retail space in the heart of Brussels available, and the partner retail chains have stocked it with their products. They also host the apprentice salespeople on their teams.
A successful first edition
In September 2019, the first edition of S.Kool presented very positive results: of the 11 June graduates, six had already signed a contract with the retail chain that sponsored them. For the young participants, the quality of the training, the experience gained in the field and the certainty of receiving a contract at the end of the process, are a significant added value in their job search. The assessment of the retailers is equally positive: the careful selection and motivation of the candidates chosen were a decisive factor in the success of the project. These arguments have prompted the partners to repeat the experience.
Always on the lookout for innovation in professional training, Bruxelles Formation is calling on Brussels businesses to develop similar projects.
Read this publication on Cedefop’s website