IVET learning mobility is seen as a catalyst in internationalising VET, and as a driver of further mobility in the European labour market. Consequently, over the past decade, mobility for learning and work has been a central feature in the development of European tools – ECVET, EQAVET and Europass. The Bruges communiqué (2010) stressed the need to increase transnational VET mobility substantially. It called on Member States to take appropriate measures, including addressing legal and administrative obstacles. In 2011, the Council recommendation ‘Youth on move – Promoting the learning mobility of young people’ called for developing a methodological framework (referred to as ‘mobility scoreboard’) to monitor progress in promoting learning mobility by the Member States. At the same time, the Council conclusions of 2011 defined a European benchmark: By 2025, an average of at least 8% of 18 to 34 year-olds with an initial vocational education and training qualification should have had some study or a training period abroad.
Following these developments, and given the availability of more funding for mobility through Erasmus+, the mobility scoreboard is a valuable tool for increasing learning mobility in Europe. Its aim is to survey the conditions for learning mobility in the 10 key action areas (thematic areas) identified in the ‘Youth on the move’ recommendation, and to monitor the progress and support for learning mobility in the Member States. It can help policy-makers identify obstacles to IVET learner mobility and weaknesses in mobility-related policies and practices. In conjunction with other Commission initiatives, the scoreboard is intended to contribute to the design of new policy initiatives aimed to facilitate learning mobility. From 2015 to 2021, Cedefop – together with the Commission and the ad hoc expert group on an IVET mobility scoreboard, and supported by ReferNet – has set up the scoreboard, available online for use by policy-makers, experts, mobility stakeholders, and the wider public. Work in coming years will focus on updating the data and improving the usability of the tool.
Access the Mobility Scoreboard tool here.