News from Cedefop: "Microcredentials: are they here to stay?", 02/03/2021
Cedefop has launched a new study on the role of microcredentials in upskilling or reskilling in a fast-changing work environment.
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the trend of digitalisation of labour markets and the automation of production systems. Recognising the resulting higher demand for digital and related skills, the 2020 EU skills agenda focuses on targeted policies that can facilitate the upskilling and reskilling of EU citizens.
The need for individuals to re-evaluate their career prospects and engage in continuing vocational education and training is more pronounced in times of economic and social volatility, especially in the face of furlough or redundancy. Interest in continuing learning has surged during the pandemic, particularly through online sources, according to recent Cedefop analysis of Google Trends data.
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Source : Cedefop